Total Solutions for the Retail Industry

The retail chain industry is highly mobile, and employees' attendance, onboarding, departure, and internal transfers are more frequent and complicated than in the general industry. The decentralized space and labor-intensiveness bring significant challenges to the centralized management of the headquarters.
In response to the above problems, ONESSC provides cross-region management solutions based on the HR cloud platform for customers in the fast-selling and chain industries.
The headquarters controls the movement of personnel and the supply and demand of labor in each region through the system in real-time. At the same time, services such as intelligent scheduling and flexible employment can effectively improve the utilization rate of talents, avoid labor disputes, and reduce risks.

Industry challenges

The general quality of ordinary employees in the retail chain industry is not high, and the proportion of management personnel and high-tech R & D personnel is small. Most enterprises still maintain traditional labor and personnel management, and only perform low-level transactional management content such as simple labor organization, file management, salary distribution, and assessment promotion, and have not raised human resource management to a height consistent with corporate strategy. Lack of strategic human resources planning, configuration, development, and utilization.

Based on the above reasons, the retail chain industry has much mobility, and employees' on-boarding, leaving, internal transfer, and re-employment behaviors are more frequent and complicated than those in the general industry. These factors often lead to more complicated employment, training, and incentives for employees.


Due to the nature of the chain retail industry, employees are scattered in different places, and there are a large number of stores. Based on this management form, ONESSC e-HR system adopts a decentralized (BS) + centralized (CS) framework and uses cluster technology for system fault tolerance and load balancing.

Each store uses different front-end login systems to complete the daily maintenance of the store's personnel information and employee salary distribution locally. Each business department completes information collection and business processing in its own database, and the system automatically summarizes it into the Yonghui Supermarket HR central database. System to realize the sharing of information resources.

Service value

Develop and improve a set of realistic Lianhua HR information management plans and standards to guide the company's human resources information system construction.

We have established a new generation of the primary software platform for enterprise HR management and integrated HR systems of various industry companies.

Achieve information sharing of corporate HR resources, improve work efficiency, reduce expenses, and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Gradually develop various business modules for HR management, and promote their implementation in companies of multiple formats.

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